St. Petersburg

Escort Eva

Escort in St. Petersburg - Eva
Escort in St. Petersburg - Eva
Escort in St. Petersburg - Eva
Escort in St. Petersburg - Eva
Escort in St. Petersburg - Eva
Escort in St. Petersburg - Eva
Main information
show phone number
Height (cm)165
Size bustB
CitySt. Petersburg
1 hour1200012000RUB
2 hours2000020000RUB
Night price5000050000RUB
Added2018-11-06 07:33:48
An open-minded, communicative and fair girl who keeps a healthy perspective and likes her independence. She has an overview and is able to correctly assess the situation and is both witty and imaginative. She is for every change that makes sense, open to the world and everything new. Her objectives are not low but high, she is easily motivated and able to adapt to unexpected situations.
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